
Startup Generation Academies feature flexible, hands-on learning experiences designed to stand alone or supplement existing entrepreneurship programs. Our games, simulations, tasks, sessions, units and courses focus on key deliverables--essential skills and knowledge defined as entrepreneurial thinking. Every component, large or small, contributes to the development of personal entrepreneurship with or without a startup.

We are intent on transforming how entrepreneurship is understood, starting with "entrepreneurial skills are skills for living." Thinking like an entrepreneur changes one's perception of the world, openness to risk, thirst for knowledge gained through research and application (learning how to learn), dependency on collaboration, integration into networks of expertise, impactful presentation skills and more.

Adult Workforce Simulation (One Semester)

Discover first-hand what being on a startup team is like. What are the opportunities and obstacles? What do you need to know? What skills do you have that are valuable? Learn all this and more by becoming a member of a team designing and pitching a new product or service. This program was developed for the State of New Mexico's Workforce program. In-person and online versions are available. The next cohort starts Feb 13, 2023. Want more information? Inquire here.

Startup Academy (Two Semesters)

The original comprehensive course/incubator experience that starts with ideation and team building and culminates in a product and a pitch. May be used as an elective course or after-school program. This course is a pre-requiste for a Year Two program. Year One Overview

Accelerator Simulation (16 sessions)

This intensive introduction to the first year of a startup culminates with teams pitching new business ideas to investors. Accelerator Directory

Games and Simulations

Startup Generation's original games and simulations run the gamut from ideation to product sales. Games form the backbone of our curriculum workshops, units and courses and may be used independently to reinforce skills and concepts in other entrepreneurial programs. Go To Games